A Regular Sort of Day
January 24, 2016
It's late. I'm having a bit of trouble finding words, but I know those are the times you have to jam something out anyway. I suppose a journal is a summary of the day's activities, and the day was certainly full in the way of activities. I concern from time to time over the days when I sit down to write and I don't feel particularly inspired to really roll with a theme or point behind it all. Days like today, where it is nothing more than a catalogue of the day.
No work on the personal project again. We're coming up on February and I'm still a good deal from finished. Not letting go of the aim to complete this one yet.
Sophia's second School of Rock performance today closed out the Fall/Winter show season. It was another impressive show, thanks for all the support everyone has shared around her doing that stuff. It's been a really amazing thing to watch a beautifully introverted kid explore her own boundaries of comfort and fear. Amazing program, incredible group of instructors and kids.
Zia and Ken made their own songs at home, I love hearing the sounds of music filling the house. Drums, guitars, singing or whatever they decide to put together, it's always a welcome sound.
It can be sort of interesting to reach the winding down part of a day, look back and find all these little delightful pockets of nice things that happened. In addition to the stuff above, the day also included Micky Mouse waffles, seeing my awesome sister and one of my nephews, meeting some really nice parents of other School of Rock-ers, In-n-Out burgers, and an afternoon nap. Not bad for a regular sort of day.