Like a Marathon, but for Writing
#NaNoWriMo LOG: DAY 09 (A 1st Timer's Journey)
After yesterday's emotional sprint of writing, I wasn't sure what to expect out of today. Yesterday pushed me deeply into space I definitely wouldn't have gone into if this 50,000-word goal didn't exist. I would have considered myself almost ready for editing. Which now makes me laugh out loud. Silly amateur. Hehehe. ;) Yesterday's "deep dive" also gave me all these new avenues to flesh out. Today's writing flowed pretty well, overall.
I made the comment to someone that this is the writing equivalent of running a full-length marathon. Especially for me, as a first-timer. When I ran my first full-length marathon, I started out the gate a little too quickly even though I knew better. Then I found my stride somewhere around mile two or three. There was the thrill of seeing each mile marker and knowing you'd just put one more mile in your pocket and were that much closer to the finish line. There were all these things along the way, rest stops, aid stations for refueling, a community of people cheering us on from the sidelines, encouragers in the race with you... You learn just what you're made of, and what you're capable of.
Day 09 for me is like mile 09 in my first marathon. I'm doing well, not quite half-way through but I've got a good pace and my mind feels alive. Who knows what the miles ahead have in store. All I can do is keep running, trust that I've trained well enough for this, and believe I'm going to make it to the finish line.
Today's stats:
Started writing at 4:43a
Zia visit: 5:24a
Stopped writing at 5:45a
2185 words today, bringing my current total to 22,524
Feeling pretty good about this.