Stories of Things - The "14,000 Things" Book
For a short bit today, I wasn't sure what my #tinychallenges post should be about. Each day I take a little stroll through my house and glance around to see what item will best serve as a catalyst for a story. It's been a neat exercise because it's reinforced that a lot of the things I've kept around do have really wonderful memories, and stories behind them. Today I was glancing over the bookshelf in my bedroom and this little book caught my eye. It made me smile as I recalled where and when I got it, and who gave it to me, but I wanted to see if she'd written anything in it when she gave it to me. I picked it up and paged through it, and noticed a little yellow sticky-note poking out of the top. There was no note from the giver of this book, but on the inside of the back cover, I'd left myself a note.
This book survived several moves between 1993-2001. While I can't remember at all writing this note to myself, I found it kind of funny. It was sort of like a micro-scavenger hunt. I flipped to the yellow sticky note page, and read through highlighted words.
Thank you, Sunshine (aka: Sunny), for this book. Years later, the book has become a really great symbol of our very enduring friendship. This little book carries with it much, much more than 14,000 things to be happy about.