12 Ways to be Better to Work With

Interpersonal Skills for People who Work with Other People


“A fast read with deep lessons learned from Jaimee’s real-life experiences. And it’s easy to share with co-workers who need it!” – A. Hammond, Product Manager at Google.

12 ways to be better to work with.
Interpersonal skills for people who work with other people.

What’s this book about?
What makes some people better to work with than others? Sometimes it’s the smallest things that can set you apart.

This book consolidates learnings from a 20-year career of trial, error, failing, and succeeding into 12 commonly overlooked things that you can do to stand out and be better to work with.
40 pages; Dimensions: 5” x 7”
Soft Cover, physical book
*Price includes US shipping.*
Orders may take 3-5 days to ship.


A perfect supplement to your company’s
Learning + Development program!

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