I love writing for me, and for you.
Much of my freelance copywriting and content strategy work has been for NDA clients/projects, with work I cannot share. I’ve written/reviewed/advised for some of the largest brands and products in the world! Please ask for more info.
If you have a project I can help you out with, contact me for rates and availability!
Freelance copywriter + evangelist for utility apps by AmicoApps.com
Brand/voice for every single touchpoint at PictureThisClothing.com
Contributing writer for tech publications:
(InformIT; Pearson Pub; App Mag; NET Magazine; INFOQ, Thoughtworks, and more)NaNoWriMo participant/completionist
(51-MIN, An Event Apart @ DisneyWorld)
Video URL: http://vimeo.com/122271349