An image that represents a lot of extracurricular "life" happening during my NaNoWriMo challenge.
#NaNoWriMo LOG: DAY 13 (A 1st Timer's Journey)
OK. So, I have another confession. As of about three days ago, I've become addicted to an app/game called Fallout Shelter (available on Android and iOS: ) It's a great time killer when you're waiting in Disney lines or riding the park transport buses. Be warned, if you're into these sorts of games this one is sick-addictive. So, here I am trying to keep up with one of the most important challenges of the past five years of my life, and I'm surrounded by all the most fun things in all the world (er... my world, anyway) GAMES and DISNEY. There's also work and conferencing, but those I can swing. I return to momming duties when I get home, the kiddos are with their dad and not missing school (they missed school when I spoke at Disneyland Hotel last month.) ;)
I made a very deliberate decision to skip writing yesterday, but I have to be honest, I missed it SO MUCH. I felt sick about not doing it. All day it was in the back of my mind, "I didn't write today!" It broke my heart a little bit. So today, I did my writing FIRST. I also caught up on work things, and THEN I poked at my silly game while getting ready to go back to Disney for the last day of my trip. We return home tomorrow. One more day of skewampus schedule before I can pick the routine back up in my warm and cozy home.
Today's Stats:
Started writing 7:45a ET
Stopped writing at 6:19a ET
I wrote 2082 words today, bringing my total word count to 28,221. \o/