#NaNoWriMo LOG: DAY 20 (A 1st Timer’s Journey)
Today’s writing was funny. I started with excitement because I know how close I am to 50k words. I spent a little time yesterday going through all my pages looking for some new points to extract and elaborate upon. I set out some trigger-words in case I got stuck. The funny thing I noticed about today was that I kept checking the word count. A lot. I don’t normally do that until I’m feeling like I’m nearly done for the day. Today it was like that thing when you’re waiting for food in the microwave and you watch the clock count down. One. Second. At. A. Time. Watching a clock might be the only occasion in life when it feels like time moves super slowly. I felt like I was typing with such flow and ease then I’d glance at my word count and realize, all that typing was only 100 words… so, I’d type some more. Then I’d look again, "jeez only 100 more words? Really?"
I did finally hide the document word count. If I’ve learned anything across this journey toward 50,000 words it’s to stop thinking so much about it. Just write. And I WROTE. And wrote and wrote. I wrote until the words were done coming out for the morning. THEN I turned the word count back on. I blew past 45k today. \o/
Letting go feels great. It takes practice, at least for me, but when you really let go and allow words to happen, they do. What an amazing concept, right? Exactly how life works. Get out of your own way and incredible things can happen.
My fireplace lit the room until the sun joined in brightening the place up. I looked up and out the window a few times to peek at the colors of the sky during the sunrise. The kitties ate their crunchy kibble in the distance. All these ambient things have become such a beautiful and comforting part of this whole challenge. No matter the setting, it's the writing that feels the most amazing. My heart REALLY loves the writing.
Today's Stats:
Started: 4:41a
Stopped: 6:00a
3258 words today :o
Total word count to date: 45,457