Me (left) and Ken (right) snapshot from the ride Spaceship Earth at EPCOT, DisneyWorld.
#NaNoWriMo LOG: DAY 12 (A 1st Timer's Journey)
I’m not sure if it’s because I expected it and willed it to happen, or if I knew I had enough words in “the bank” that I knew skipping a day or two would be OK, but I didn’t write yesterday. (Those are both kind of the same thing, huh.)
We stayed out pretty late experiencing DisneyWorld on Wednesday night. Did I mention Food & Wine Festival? Waking in the morning was hard, I had a good deal of work to do before we headed out to the parks. I made a very conscious decision Thursday that I would skip on the writing in exchange for work catch-ups and Disney-fun.
Was it worth it?
It might be too early in the NaNoWriMo challenge to tell. The good news is I broke 25k words on Wednesday, and I really missed writing first thing in the morning. Not doing it reminded me how much I truly LOVE doing it. I’m on track to complete the challenge and I’ve not lost the momentum in my guts to finish this. Maybe a day or two off is actually a really good thing, but I’m leaning toward writing even the tiniest bit if I can over not writing at all. It makes my mind and heart feel better. ❤
Today's stats:
Did not write - current total remains at 26,139